2025 PennTec Exhibits and Sponsorships
6/22/2025 - 6/25/2025
All Day Event
Event Registration
Event Description

We invite you to join us as an Exhibitor and/or a Sponsor at the PWEA's 96th Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition (PennTec 2025), which will be held at the Kalahari Resort & Convention Center • 250 Kalahari Blvd, Pocono Manor, PA 18349. With an average yearly attendance of over 700 water quality professionals seeking the latest knowledge and technology available, PennTec 2025 would be a great way to get the word out about your products, equipment, and services! 
Details regarding this year's exhibit space and sponsorship offerings can be found in the PennTec 2025 Exhibitor Prospectus

Prime booth locations within the Exhibit Hall will sell quickly, so don't delay!

No paper registrations will be taken this year. If you need assistance with event related questions, email ashleymohn@pwea.org. If you need assistance with online registration questions, email breyanafulton@pwea.org.

Cancellation Policy: Booth cancellations received in writing on or before May 3rd will receive a full refund less a $250 processing fee. Cancellations received after that date will not receive a refund. Please note, all credit card transactions will include a 3.5% “technology fee.” The credit/debit card name and address information must EXACTLY match what is on record with the financial institution issuing the card. Otherwise, the transaction will be declined. This is a security measure to prevent fraudulent activity. Credit card numbers are NOT stored by PWEA or the payment gateway vendor.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Kalahari for PennTec 2025. Reservations must be made by May 22, 2025. Rooms may not be available after this date!
The discounted room rate is as follows: $183.00 per Room/Single or Double Occupancy, plus taxes. 
This rate includes overnight accommodations only. All rooms are non-smoking.

Book By Phone: ​Call Reservations at 1-800-525-2427 and mention PWEA Room Block to receive the discounted rate.
Booking Website: https://book.passkey.com/e/50881762
Exhibitor & Sponsorship Registration is NOW OPEN FOR 2025!
Kalahari Resorts & Convention Center
250 Kalahari Boulevard
Pocono Manor, PA 18349

click here for Google Maps

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